Jaden & Kayla Videos

A little of our lives caught on film ;)

Kayla started walking just before she hit 11
months. She is still a little wobbly, but its so
cute. I also love how she is giggling.

Jaden got this costume for his birthday and
every once in a while he likes to put it on. PS
When Jaden says "Yanks" at the end it means
ya, thanks.

Jaden wants to help Kayla with everything.
Here he is instructing her how to do a little
sign language. (She hasn't mastered any signs yet)

1 comment:

Kimberly Miller said...

Your kids are so cute! I love how Jaden totally smacked into the cupboards when he was "flying". Oh I am excited to have two! Wish we lived by each other so our kids could play, and we could play too. :)