Birthday girl

Kayla's birthday was Cinco De Mayo.
The weather was wonderful
so we had her party at the park.

Feliz cumpleanos- thats supposed to
be a "burro pinata" on the cake ;)

She sure had a good time eating her cake
and playing with her balloons
I can't believe she is already one!


The Allen Family said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe she is already 1!!! What a cutie. I love that she can already have piggies, and my girls are just barely getting to have them. Sure do miss you guys. Hope all is well!

Maja said...

Happy Birthday Kayla! It was so fun to see you guys while you were here. Thanks for calling us. We will look forward to your next trip. Too bad it can't be in the summer. :(

Christen, Doug and Dillon said...

I totally got the burro pinata! Cute cake! Can't believe she's one already and I haven't met her yet! Someday soon!