Visit from Grandma Misner & Cousin Emerson

 Emerson & Grandma came to visit us in February of 2013
They took a bus ride & a train to come see us.

 Dining Car of the Train
 Fun with Friends in the Church gym
 Playing with Playdough at home
 The kids always wore themselves out.
I found Emerson like this one night ;)
 Pile on uncle Jon
 "4 in a Row" Emerson was so nice to play with Kayla 
while Jaden was at preschool.
 Kayla didn't want to take naps while 
there was so much going on. One day Lyn 
and I were talking at the table and Jaden & 
Emerson went downstairs. Lyn looked over 
and noticed kayla had fallen asleep playing 
some file folder games in the middle of the floor.

 Decorating cup cakes for the treat after Family Night
 It was so fun to have them come and visit, 
They'll have to do it again!!!!!

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